I'm in the mood for a comedy today!
Has anyone ever watched the movie Still Not Quite Human? It is a sequel to Not Quite Human starring Jay Underwood and Alan Thicke. I think it was from the mid to late 80's, but it is hilarious! In the first movie Jonas (Alan Thicke) creates and android he names Chip (Jay Underwood). I think a company was trying to steal the android technology from Jonas not realizing his "son" Chip was the android. In the second movie Chip is on his way and learning feelings. For reasons I can no longer remember there was an android created of Jonas whom Chip refers to as "Bonus" because he's like a bonus dad to him. Hilarity ensues when Chip and Bonus try to rescue Jonas who was adultnapped! (My favorite line: "I came over the wall!") Unfortunately this gem of a movie is still only on VHS. Hopefully it will be released on DVD soon, as it is a classic not to be missed!
Another older movie I watched all the time was Johnny Dangerously starring Michael Keaton. Michael Keaton plays the title character who is a mobster with a conscience. Johnny's brother is the assistant district attorney in the movie and he's determined to put the gangsters in jail (not realizing his own brother is the leader)! Johhny struggles trying to get out of the business and save his brother when the other gangsters decide they need to kill the new young ADA. It's another 80's classic (this one IS available on DVD) that you should rent when you have the need for a laugh!
Last oldie but goodie comedy for the day: Weekend at Bernie's 2 starring Jonathan Silverman. In the first movie Bernie dies and Jonathan's character and his friend (Andrew McCarthy I think) tote Bernie around and pretend he's still alive. In the 2nd one, a man puts a voodoo spell on Bernie so that he will lead him to his buried treasure. Something goes slightly awry and Bernie doesn't just lead them to the treasure, but can only dance in the direction (of the treasure) when he hears music. Favorite line of this movie "You got your bag?" Hehe!
Go rent one of these movies next time you're at a loss for what to watch. Let me know how you enjoyed them, and what some of your favorite 80's comedies are! (Though Bernis may have been an early 90's movie.)
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Always a bridesmaid....part 3
Free shower games involving centerpieces!
Often centerpieces are a small pot of flowers, or a vase with a flower (or more), or a large candle. There are many more possibilities. I've mostly gone with flowers either potted or in a vase. Typically I do not wish to take these home with me. They can make excellent prizes!
A fast way to get rid of them is to give them to the girl at the table with the birthday closest to the wedding date.
Another option is Pass the Centerpiece. It involves a poem which I've used many variations of. I recommend passing a pen not the actual centerpiece.Have one guest at each table pick up the pen to start. Designate one of the girls to read the poem slowly so that the guests can follow the instructions.
1. The news is out, quick send a cable, the centerpiece goes to the lady across the table.
2. If someone wears a dress of blue, she must take this gift from you. If blue cannot be seen, it goes to the one wearing green.
3. I will now read another verse...please pass it to the gal with the largest purse.
4. We are getting tricky, here is a real humdinger! Pass it to the one with the most rings on her fingers.
5. Wow! What a success! Pass it to the guest with the most buttons on her dress.
6. Alas, this gift is not for you. It now goes to the one with the largest shoe.
7. Let's get this party started girls..pass it to the one with the cutest curls.
8. The bride is anxious. The groom is nervous. Now pass this to the lady who drove the furthest.
9. It's not yet time to rehearse. Pass it to the gal with the most money in her purse!
10. We hope you all are having fun. We have tried to include most everyone. From the largest purse to the largest shoe, pass this gift to the right of you.
11. We're ending this rhyme, this is the last poem, the centerpiece you are holding is yours to take home!
I hope you enjoy these games. I will be posting more shower tips and free games another day!
Often centerpieces are a small pot of flowers, or a vase with a flower (or more), or a large candle. There are many more possibilities. I've mostly gone with flowers either potted or in a vase. Typically I do not wish to take these home with me. They can make excellent prizes!
A fast way to get rid of them is to give them to the girl at the table with the birthday closest to the wedding date.
Another option is Pass the Centerpiece. It involves a poem which I've used many variations of. I recommend passing a pen not the actual centerpiece.Have one guest at each table pick up the pen to start. Designate one of the girls to read the poem slowly so that the guests can follow the instructions.
1. The news is out, quick send a cable, the centerpiece goes to the lady across the table.
2. If someone wears a dress of blue, she must take this gift from you. If blue cannot be seen, it goes to the one wearing green.
3. I will now read another verse...please pass it to the gal with the largest purse.
4. We are getting tricky, here is a real humdinger! Pass it to the one with the most rings on her fingers.
5. Wow! What a success! Pass it to the guest with the most buttons on her dress.
6. Alas, this gift is not for you. It now goes to the one with the largest shoe.
7. Let's get this party started girls..pass it to the one with the cutest curls.
8. The bride is anxious. The groom is nervous. Now pass this to the lady who drove the furthest.
9. It's not yet time to rehearse. Pass it to the gal with the most money in her purse!
10. We hope you all are having fun. We have tried to include most everyone. From the largest purse to the largest shoe, pass this gift to the right of you.
11. We're ending this rhyme, this is the last poem, the centerpiece you are holding is yours to take home!
I hope you enjoy these games. I will be posting more shower tips and free games another day!
1/8/11 Dream
I often have strange dreams, and usually remember them. I had to work at 6:45 Sunday morning, and this is my Saturday night dream...
I woke up about 9:30am and realized I was almost 3 hours late to work. I started panicking (especially because in real life I was supposed to call my friend to wake him up so he could get to work on time). I was afraid there would be nobody there running the service desk or the front end. I was in such a hurry to get to work, I forgot my cell phone so I couldn't even call them and tell them I was on my way. Somehow I ran into a stranger who insisted I have Pina Coladas with them (I don't even recall if this person was male or female). I gave in, swearing I'd only have one. At this point I watched the pina colada mix swirling in the blender. The pina colada was delicious and after very little persuasion, I did have another. After my second pina colada I got on a scooter (the plastic square kind with wheels under each corner like in gym class) and started racing to work. I was at the top of a hill when a local reporter stopped me. She told me she was taking pictures of people in the community and wanted to take a picture of me. I told her I couldn't stop because I was 3 hours late to work (apparently I drank those pina coladas very quickly), but she begged and I agreed to take just one picture. After a couple pictures she asked me to pose with my elbows on the scooter, and chin in my hands. For some reason I also had pigtails.
My alarm went off (at 5:54am) then, so my dream ended there. Anyone care to interpret any of this? Want to share your own bizarre dream? Sleep tight my friends!
I woke up about 9:30am and realized I was almost 3 hours late to work. I started panicking (especially because in real life I was supposed to call my friend to wake him up so he could get to work on time). I was afraid there would be nobody there running the service desk or the front end. I was in such a hurry to get to work, I forgot my cell phone so I couldn't even call them and tell them I was on my way. Somehow I ran into a stranger who insisted I have Pina Coladas with them (I don't even recall if this person was male or female). I gave in, swearing I'd only have one. At this point I watched the pina colada mix swirling in the blender. The pina colada was delicious and after very little persuasion, I did have another. After my second pina colada I got on a scooter (the plastic square kind with wheels under each corner like in gym class) and started racing to work. I was at the top of a hill when a local reporter stopped me. She told me she was taking pictures of people in the community and wanted to take a picture of me. I told her I couldn't stop because I was 3 hours late to work (apparently I drank those pina coladas very quickly), but she begged and I agreed to take just one picture. After a couple pictures she asked me to pose with my elbows on the scooter, and chin in my hands. For some reason I also had pigtails.
My alarm went off (at 5:54am) then, so my dream ended there. Anyone care to interpret any of this? Want to share your own bizarre dream? Sleep tight my friends!
Always a Bridesmaid...part 2
Today we'll go over some free bridal shower games! Some of them you may have experienced, but some of them will probably be new to you!
As for prizes we usually have each bridesmaid make a special basket (around $15), and bring 5-10 small wrapped gifts. I've always tried to make sure each guest goes home with a prize. With the prizes it really depends on the game as for whether the guest gets a basket or a small prize. If there's more than one winner you can give the small gifts, and save the baskets for door prizes.
You really want to limit your shower to about 3 games, and mix them up. You probably don't want to have all action games, or all word games. You don't want the guests getting bored!
Toilet paper bride: The guests are broken up into groups of 3-8. Each group is given two rolls of toilet paper and 3 paperclips (optional). The guest have 5 minutes to transform one member of their group into a bride using only the TP and paperclips. The bride then chooses her favorite. You can do categories if you'd like (sexiest, prettiest, nakedest!).
How many words: Have copies made with the brides name and grooms name written at the top. Give the guests 3 minutes to come up with as many words (not proper nouns) as they can using only the letters in the names. The guest(s) with the most words wins!
Bridal BINGO: Give a bridal Bingo card to each guest. (Usually just a piece of paper with the BINGO grid on it. The middles space is free, the rest of the squares are empty. The guests fill in the squares with items she thinks the bride will get as gifts before she opens them. You can play this one for as long as you'd like. Multiple winners are common. Make sure you specify when the game is done though!
Tray game: The bride goes around the room with several (15-20) items on a tray. (Usually various kitchen items, teaspoon, measuring cup, whisk, etc.) She spends about 1 minute at each table letting the guests look at everything on the tray. She then leaves the room with the tray. While she's out of the room ask the guests 12-15 questions about items on the tray (What size measuring cup? What color was the bowl?) If you want you can throw some questions about the bride to be in there as well (Was she wearing earrings? What color fingernail polish did she have on?). The guests with the most right answers wins!
Questions game: This one is a bit tricky. You need to talk to the groom before you make this up. Come up with a list of about 25 questions (you'll probably only use 15 or so). Keep your guests in mind when these are asked (may not want to ask him where the naughtiest place they've had sex is if grandma is going to be there). You will get the grooms answer to all of the questions, and choose as many of them as you want to actually ask the bride. (Favorite color, what side of the bed does she sleep on, when is her birthday, where did they first meet, naughtiest place they've had sex, etc.) Before you ask the bride to answer the questions AS SHE THINKS HE ANSWERED THEM, the guests will have to write the number of questions they think the bride to be will answer correctly. For example: Where did they meet? He said :"Paddy's Irish Pub". She said: "It was really, Moe's Place, but he was so drunk he never gets it right, he probably said Paddy's." She would get that right. Where's the naughtiest place? He said: "the stairs at her uncles house when we visited for Thanksgiving". She said: "In the back of the car in the parking lot at work". (Then when you read what he said, she turns red, and says OMG, I didn't think he'd admit that to you!!!) She does not get the point. ;)
Pass the Bouquet: The guests all get in a circle. A CD of love songs (or any songs really) is played and stopped randomly. The person currently holding the bouquet (a fake one made for the occasion) is out, and sits down. The music starts again and passing is resumed. The last person left not holding the bouquet wins!
Famous couples: A sheet of paper is handed out with half of a famous couple written on one side. Guests have 5 minutes to write the other half of the couple. (Wilma Flinstone.... Lucille Ball... Angelina Jolie.... Morticia Adamms.... etc.) The most correct matches wins!
Love songs: This one can be played a few different ways. 1) Guests have 3 minutes to write as many songs that have the word "love" in the title. 2) Write the title of love songs along with the singer, but omit a word or two as fill in the blanks. For example: Can't _______ _______ in Love With You (help, falling). In each case, the most correct answers wins!
Clothespin game: Each guest is given a clothespin when they arrive. They must not say "wedding" or "bride" or whatever wedding related word you choose. Whenever a guest catches another guest saying one of the words, they person who said the word must relinquish their clothespins to the catcher. The person with the most clothespins at the end of an hour, or before the bride opens her gifts (or whenever you choose) wins!
I will post more games as I remember them. Feel free to ask questions or get clarification on any of the games mentioned above.
As for the door prizes, a nice thing to do for your bride is to pass out envelopes for the thank you cards and have each guest address their envelope. It's a great way to get everyone's most current address, and also to help the bride get a start on her thank you notes. Envelopes can be pulled randomly for door or small prizes.
More bridesmaid posts to come! :)
As for prizes we usually have each bridesmaid make a special basket (around $15), and bring 5-10 small wrapped gifts. I've always tried to make sure each guest goes home with a prize. With the prizes it really depends on the game as for whether the guest gets a basket or a small prize. If there's more than one winner you can give the small gifts, and save the baskets for door prizes.
You really want to limit your shower to about 3 games, and mix them up. You probably don't want to have all action games, or all word games. You don't want the guests getting bored!
Toilet paper bride: The guests are broken up into groups of 3-8. Each group is given two rolls of toilet paper and 3 paperclips (optional). The guest have 5 minutes to transform one member of their group into a bride using only the TP and paperclips. The bride then chooses her favorite. You can do categories if you'd like (sexiest, prettiest, nakedest!).
How many words: Have copies made with the brides name and grooms name written at the top. Give the guests 3 minutes to come up with as many words (not proper nouns) as they can using only the letters in the names. The guest(s) with the most words wins!
Bridal BINGO: Give a bridal Bingo card to each guest. (Usually just a piece of paper with the BINGO grid on it. The middles space is free, the rest of the squares are empty. The guests fill in the squares with items she thinks the bride will get as gifts before she opens them. You can play this one for as long as you'd like. Multiple winners are common. Make sure you specify when the game is done though!
Tray game: The bride goes around the room with several (15-20) items on a tray. (Usually various kitchen items, teaspoon, measuring cup, whisk, etc.) She spends about 1 minute at each table letting the guests look at everything on the tray. She then leaves the room with the tray. While she's out of the room ask the guests 12-15 questions about items on the tray (What size measuring cup? What color was the bowl?) If you want you can throw some questions about the bride to be in there as well (Was she wearing earrings? What color fingernail polish did she have on?). The guests with the most right answers wins!
Questions game: This one is a bit tricky. You need to talk to the groom before you make this up. Come up with a list of about 25 questions (you'll probably only use 15 or so). Keep your guests in mind when these are asked (may not want to ask him where the naughtiest place they've had sex is if grandma is going to be there). You will get the grooms answer to all of the questions, and choose as many of them as you want to actually ask the bride. (Favorite color, what side of the bed does she sleep on, when is her birthday, where did they first meet, naughtiest place they've had sex, etc.) Before you ask the bride to answer the questions AS SHE THINKS HE ANSWERED THEM, the guests will have to write the number of questions they think the bride to be will answer correctly. For example: Where did they meet? He said :"Paddy's Irish Pub". She said: "It was really, Moe's Place, but he was so drunk he never gets it right, he probably said Paddy's." She would get that right. Where's the naughtiest place? He said: "the stairs at her uncles house when we visited for Thanksgiving". She said: "In the back of the car in the parking lot at work". (Then when you read what he said, she turns red, and says OMG, I didn't think he'd admit that to you!!!) She does not get the point. ;)
Pass the Bouquet: The guests all get in a circle. A CD of love songs (or any songs really) is played and stopped randomly. The person currently holding the bouquet (a fake one made for the occasion) is out, and sits down. The music starts again and passing is resumed. The last person left not holding the bouquet wins!
Famous couples: A sheet of paper is handed out with half of a famous couple written on one side. Guests have 5 minutes to write the other half of the couple. (Wilma Flinstone.... Lucille Ball... Angelina Jolie.... Morticia Adamms.... etc.) The most correct matches wins!
Love songs: This one can be played a few different ways. 1) Guests have 3 minutes to write as many songs that have the word "love" in the title. 2) Write the title of love songs along with the singer, but omit a word or two as fill in the blanks. For example: Can't _______ _______ in Love With You (help, falling). In each case, the most correct answers wins!
Clothespin game: Each guest is given a clothespin when they arrive. They must not say "wedding" or "bride" or whatever wedding related word you choose. Whenever a guest catches another guest saying one of the words, they person who said the word must relinquish their clothespins to the catcher. The person with the most clothespins at the end of an hour, or before the bride opens her gifts (or whenever you choose) wins!
I will post more games as I remember them. Feel free to ask questions or get clarification on any of the games mentioned above.
As for the door prizes, a nice thing to do for your bride is to pass out envelopes for the thank you cards and have each guest address their envelope. It's a great way to get everyone's most current address, and also to help the bride get a start on her thank you notes. Envelopes can be pulled randomly for door or small prizes.
More bridesmaid posts to come! :)
Monday, January 10, 2011
Always a Bridesmaid....part 1
Greetings! I have been a bridesmaid 6 times now, with two more weddings set for this year (2011). As a professional bridesmaid, I'd like to offer some tips for a great shower!
I LOVE setting the theme. Themes can be colors, movies, places, or anything you set your mind to! Themes aren't necessary but can make your life easier if you have a guideline set for yourself. Of the bridal showers I've thrown, only two had themes. One was beach and the other Valetine's/love.
For the Valentine's theme (which was held in March), we got a great deal on a lot of red and pink items by purchasing them shortly after Valentine's Day. We had round tables with 2 long candles on each table, a bud vase with a pink, red or white carnation in it, and heart/love confetti sprinkled over a white tablecloth. For favors we purchased Hershey's Kisses, and Hershey's Hugs in the Valentine colors. We wrapped a few of each in colored tulle and tied it along with a note that said "Here are some hugs and kisses, along with our thanks. Love, the future Mr and Mrs!"
For the beach theme (held in July) we were lucky enough to have it by the beach though the weather was lousy. As the guests came in the flowergirls put leis (we used cloth ones) around their necks. (Great photo ops here!) Other options depending on your budget could be plastic leis (for less expensive), or real flowers to be pinned, or put behind the ear, or even a real lei. For the favors we put a little sand, small shells, and a tea light in empty baby food jars, with cloth over the lid. On the outside we had a clear sticker on which we put a palm tree and had "Marcus & Amber, A Shore Thing" along with the date.
Tomorrow....bridal shower games!
I LOVE setting the theme. Themes can be colors, movies, places, or anything you set your mind to! Themes aren't necessary but can make your life easier if you have a guideline set for yourself. Of the bridal showers I've thrown, only two had themes. One was beach and the other Valetine's/love.
For the Valentine's theme (which was held in March), we got a great deal on a lot of red and pink items by purchasing them shortly after Valentine's Day. We had round tables with 2 long candles on each table, a bud vase with a pink, red or white carnation in it, and heart/love confetti sprinkled over a white tablecloth. For favors we purchased Hershey's Kisses, and Hershey's Hugs in the Valentine colors. We wrapped a few of each in colored tulle and tied it along with a note that said "Here are some hugs and kisses, along with our thanks. Love, the future Mr and Mrs!"
For the beach theme (held in July) we were lucky enough to have it by the beach though the weather was lousy. As the guests came in the flowergirls put leis (we used cloth ones) around their necks. (Great photo ops here!) Other options depending on your budget could be plastic leis (for less expensive), or real flowers to be pinned, or put behind the ear, or even a real lei. For the favors we put a little sand, small shells, and a tea light in empty baby food jars, with cloth over the lid. On the outside we had a clear sticker on which we put a palm tree and had "Marcus & Amber, A Shore Thing" along with the date.
Tomorrow....bridal shower games!
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